Audiovisual translator
and bilingual copy
and content writer

track record

where am I coming from?


Before becoming a full-time language services professional, I worked in television in content development and acquisitions; in production coordination on films; as a research and post-production assistant on a documentary series, and as a video editor.


I have a Bachelor of Arts degree from Hampshire College (Amherst, Massachusetts, USA), where I concentrated in cultural studies and documentary production, and am a graduate of the Advanced Media Business Management Program at IE Business School (Madrid).

Eva Obregón Blasco traductora audiovisual especialista en traducción y subtitulación al inglés.


how did I end up here?

I was born in Spain and raised in a multicultural setting in the U.S., so I’ve spent most of my life serving as a bridge between different countries and various linguistic and cultural realities. This cross-cultural perspective stoked my fascination with investigating and exploring other worlds, other cultures, and other realities through writing, languages, and audiovisual media.

After a long stint in the corporate TV world and several forays into physical film production—invariably working on international projects—, I decided to embark on this adventure of offering language services as an independent professional. I have been providing creative copy and audiovisual translation services from Spanish to English, and vice versa, and content and copy writing services in both languages for over 18 years now.

On this site, you’ll find some examples of the kinds of projects I have worked on to date: from academic translation to English subtitles for creative documentaries. Check out my profile on LinkedIn for more details about my educational and professional background.


what am I hoping to do?

My mission is to help independent filmmakers, small and large production companies, and other companies in the media and related industries overcome cultural and linguistic barriers to promote the international expansion of their businesses and export their works. Although I feel right at home in the business world, I have a soft spot for creative non-fiction films and video art. 


I approach every project as a shared challenge that I must tackle as another member of the creative team.


In adapting texts to the target audience, I am guided as much by empathy as by research and experience.


I revise every text scrupulously, but this meticulousness never stops me from meeting deadlines.

Find out what services I offer
and how I can help you

Check out my portfolio